Grako 2.0.0

Apalala  | : grako

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Grako 2.0.0 was just released. This new version includes many simplifications to the generated grammars, semantics through delegation, a complete antlr2grako example, and the ability to create silly diagrams of the grammars through graphviz. For a full list of changes, see:

PyPy or the Bitbucket changelog.

Autres articles

Grako 1.4.0 PEG/Packrat parser generator for Python

Thu 02 May 2013Apalala



Grako 1.4.0 has been published with this changelog:

  • BUG! Sometimes the AST for a closure ({}) was not a list.
  • Semantic actions can now be implemented by a delegate.
  • Reset synthetic method count and use decorators to increase readability of generated parsers.
  • The Grako EBNF grammar and the bootstrap …
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Grako 1.3.0

Thu 11 April 2013Apalala


I just released a new version of Grako:

The most relevant change is the the memoization cache optimization thanks to the advice given by  Kota Mizushima.

This time I'm requesting help on the work on the  semantic_delegate branch of the repository …

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Grako 1.2.0

Sat 16 March 2013Apalala


Grako 1.2.0 has been released with the following changelog:

Grako (for grammar compiler) is a tool that takes grammars in a variation of EBNF as input, and outputs memoizing PEG parsers in Python.


  • Lazy rendering of template fields.
  • Optimization of rendering engine's indent() and trim …
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Grako 1.0.0

Tue 12 February 2013Apalala


Grako 1.0.0 has been released to PyPi. It's feature complete, and very fast.

I'm currently using it to parse and translate millions of lines of COBOL.


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Sun 13 January 2013Apalala


Grako is feature complete, and I'm already using it for the project that required it. The parser generated by Grako for my COBOL grammar is already parsing a couple of hundred thousand lines of code, with failures so far attributable to the grammar, and not the tool

I won't bless …

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Wed 09 January 2013Apalala


After my difficulties translating SoftAG Natural using ANTLR v3, and a new request to do the likes with COBOL, which is a programming language as large and as ambiguous, I decided to explore other options.

I found that most of the solutions out there are lack a maintainer, lack users …

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